
Chair Exercises for Mobility and Strength

August 1, 2024

Chair exercises provide seniors with a safe and effective way to strengthen muscles and improve mobility, all while minimizing the risk of falls. Consistent stretching and strength-building not only enhance overall movement but also help maintain and even boost muscle strength over time.

Below are 15 stretches and exercises that can be done from a chair. If you’re looking for a challenge, incorporate weights or modify the exercise to stand at the back of your chair.

Warm Up

Begin with some stretches to warm your muscles and increase blood flow.

Wrist & Ankle Rolls
Circle your wrists and ankles to stretch them out. Do about 8-10 rotations.

Neck Tilts
Slowly tilt your head side to side, front to back 8-10 times.

Bring your shoulders up to your ears and roll them back down in a circular motion. Repeat 12-15 times.

Neck Rotations
Start with your head tilted to one shoulder and slowly roll your head around down to your chest, your other shoulder, to your back, and then back to your first shoulder. Do this about 8 times in each direction.

Forward Bend
While sitting at the front of your chair, slowly bend forward at the hips as far as you can while keeping your back straight. Hold the stretch for 10-30 seconds and slowly straighten up. Repeat up to five times.

Hip Stretch
Cross one ankle across your knee, gently press on your raised knee and hold for 10-15 seconds. Switch sides.

Cactus Arms
Raise your arms out wide to make a T, then bend your arms at the elbow to make cactus arms. Pull your arms back and squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Aerobic Movements

These movements will get your heart rate up and increase your blood flow. They will also help build strength.

Arm Circles
Extend your arms out to make a T. Make small circles with your arms, completing 10-12 rotations. Do them again in the other direction.

Seated Marches
When doing a seated march, make sure to take big steps that will pick your feet up off the ground. Lift your legs as high as you can as you pick them up. Do three sets of 12 reps.

Jumping Jacks
Start with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Swing your arms up and step your legs out shoulder width apart. Do 10-12 reps as quickly as you can, completing two to three sets.

Sit to Stand
Move to sit at the front of your chair and put your feet hip-width apart. Activate your core by drawing your belly button to your spine, then lean forward to shift your weight to your feet. Without using your hands, stand slowly, take a breath, and then slowly sit back down. Do 10-15 reps.

Strength Training

As you build strength, these are the best exercises to incorporate weights and increase the challenge.

Arm Circles
Extend your arms out to make a T. Make small circles with your arms, completing 10-12 rotations. Do them again in the other direction.

Standing Leg Curls
Stand behind your chair and hold onto the back your chair for balance. While keeping your hips as still as possible, slowly bend your right knee and bring your heel as close to your glutes as you can. Hold and then slowly lower your leg to the starting position. Do 12-15 reps and then repeat with your left leg.

Calf Raises
This can be done while sitting or standing with your hands on the back of your chair. Start with your feet flat on the floor and press up onto the balls of your feet while lifting your heels as high as you can. Hold for a second at the top and then lower your heels to the floor. Do 12-15 reps.

Torso Twists
Sit straight in your chair, lift your arms and bend them so they’re clasped in front of you at chest height. Rotate your torso slowly to one side as if you’re bringing your elbows to the side of the chair back, make sure your head and shoulders are rotating too. Hold for a moment before returning to center. Go again to your other side. Do 10 reps on both sides.

Heel Slides
Build leg strength by sliding your heels forward and backward underneath your chair. Do 10 reps with both legs.


These exercises are great for maintaining your muscles, increasing your balance and mobility, and improving your quality of life. Remember to keep a routine of these exercises for the maximum benefit.

At Grace Ridge, we believe in an approach to wellness that focuses on the entire person. We offer extensive social and cultural enrichment opportunities while maintaining a robust fitness program. To learn more about our emphasis on wellness, click here.

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